Striped bass in the Cape Fear River

Article by: Mark Mayo

Striped bass, also known as rockfish or stripers, are a popular game fish that can be found in the Cape Fear River and its tributaries. Striped bass are native to the Atlantic coast of North America and are known for their strong fighting ability and good taste.

In the Cape Fear River, striped bass can be found in a variety of habitats, including deep channels, shallow flats, and around structures such as bridge pilings and piers. They are opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide variety of prey, including shad, herring, and other small baitfish.

Striped bass are typically caught using a variety of techniques, including casting, trolling, and drift fishing. They can be caught using live bait, such as shad or eels, or with artificial lures, such as jigs or crankbaits. Striped bass can be caught from a boat or from the shore, and are often found near the surface in the early morning or late evening.

The Cape Fear River is known for producing good-sized striped bass, with fish in the 20-30 pound range not uncommon. However, it is important to be aware of the size and catch limits for striped bass in the Cape Fear River, as these limits are in place to help ensure the sustainability of the fishery.

Overall, striped bass are a popular and exciting fish to target in the Cape Fear River, and provide anglers with a challenging and rewarding fishing experience. Whether you are an experienced angler or a beginner, the Cape Fear River offers excellent opportunities to catch striped bass and other species of fish.

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